Important Dates

Property Tax Calendar

Deadline Information
January 1st Date current year assessment valuations are based on
February - April Property Appraiser Income Compliance Requests - income and expense information for all income-producing properties
March 1st Deadlines for ALL EXEMPTIONS, including Homestead Exemption and Agricultural Classification.
March Counties request income and expense information for all income-producing properties
March 31st Deadline to pay taxes or lose appeal rights or benefits
April 1st Deadline for filing Tangible Personal Property returns (form DR405)
April Renew/Sign-On with Florida Property Tax Service (FPTS)
April/May Deadline to submit income and expense information to county assessors.
June Counties will begin selling tax certificates for unpaid tax bills.
June 1st County Appraiser's deadline to submit taxroll to Department of Revenue for approval.
July 1st Notification of denied exemptions and classifications are mailed.
August Notice of Proposed Taxes (TRIM notice) mailed to taxpayers
September Miami Dade and Broward County deadline for filing petitions contesting property assessments

Important Links